Upcoming Workshop for Individuals
You Are Not Alone: Finding the connection with oneself and others
Live interactive session using video conferencing (Zoom)
Every Saturday of March 2021
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Each Saturday is an independent session; each participant needs to attend only ONE session

As we go through the ups and downs of life, there are times when we encounter challenges that seem almost impossible to deal with. Feeling stressed and scared, many of us withdraw into the shell of despair. While feeling the stress of a tough situation is a natural human response, tapping into our inner reserves as well as the positive aspects of our relationships with others puts us in a strong position to turn the situation to our favour.

No matter what the challenge is, it is always possible to deal with it, and even turn it into an opportunity for learning, and pave the path for future success. In fact, it is in challenging times that our decision-making skills and the ability to connect with others should function to the fullest potential.

This workshop, designed and delivered by our Cofounder Sonali Ghosh, will reveal techniques to remain calm and balanced (even happy) while facing challenges, so that we are able to utilize our inner strength while dealing with situations. Using the principles of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Communication, the workshop will also help participants develop more meaningful relationships with their own selves as well as with others, and make apt decisions.

Video Meeting on Zoom
Participants will need a computer with a webcam (or a smartphone) with the ZOOM Cloud Meetings app downloaded, and Internet connectivity with good bandwidth. The workshop will be conducted primarily in English. The workshop is interactive and participative in nature; participants are expected to have a working knowledge of spoken English. However, if you are more comfortable in Hindi, let us know. If there are several people who would like Hindi as the primary language of instruction, we may have a separate workshop in Hindi. Please note that the slides will be in English.

Who Should Attend?
Anybody (at least 18 years of age) who is trying to find a better way to deal with challenges at work or home.
Those trying to come to terms with (or anticipating) stress, anxiety, helplessness and/or loneliness, whether triggered by external realities (e.g., lockdown, job loss, rejection, loss of a loved one) or internal conditions (e.g., depression) will find the workshop especially beneficial.

About the Trainer
Sonali Ghosh is a seasoned Corporate Trainer & Psychotherapist with a rich experience of creating and delivering Training for Industry as well as Academia. Often drawing upon aspects of Psychology, she brings her sessions alive with practical examples, role plays and active interactions. More about the Trainer

During the workshop, the trainer will engage in conversations with the participants, trying to understand the kind of challenges they usually face. However, we respect the choice of every participant to decide what they want to discuss in the group. We completely understand that there could be private issues that any participant could be unwilling to reveal in the group.

For fee and registration details, send an email to sonali@dancinglighthouse.com with 'Workshop' in the subject line, mentioning your name, age, telephone number, preferred date (6, 13, 20 or 27 March) and preferred language of instruction (English/Hindi).

Each workshop will have not more than twenty participants for individualized attention. Registration will close as soon as the twentieth seat is filled.